

"I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities."

– Bob Nardelli

Our executive coaching partners work with individuals in a confidential and non-judgmental space to help them be their best. We work with management to clarify goals by heightening self-awareness, improving communication skills and leadership abilities, boosting performance, resilience and stronger psychological wellbeing.

Executives who complete our programs learn how to enhance their role in the organisation's success and discover how their personal characteristics can influence individual and business processes and their ability to achieve goals and the desired results.


Learn more about our executive coaching partners

Joanna Hall - EMEA

Whatever your reason for seeking a new career opportunity, building your self-worth and self-belief and having clarity on what you’re looking for in your next chapter will be crucial to ensuring sustainable personal success.

Jo Hall is an ICF, NLP and Cognitive Behaviour trained coach specialising in Imposter Syndrome, personal confidence and resiliency. With over 20 years of global leadership experience, including roles as Head of Internal Communication and Business Change Project Manager, Jo has navigated the complexities, uncertainty and personal challenges of M&As, organisational restructures, and redundancy. She brings this experience coupled with transformational coaching techniques to the Macmillan Consulting team to help clients build and embody inner confidence and self-worth so they are primed for success in their interviews, next role and beyond.

Karen Khaw -APAC

Karen is an International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited coach, a business owner and a Consultant. She has over 20 years’ experience advising C-suites and leadership teams, in Head of Corporate Communications and Marketing roles at global organisations covering up to 16 Asia Pacific markets.

Since early 2020 after moving back to Sydney, she embarked on her own portfolio career where she founded V-Engage, a business health check consultancy. She is also a Senior Consultant with Global Management Consulting firm, The Tantalus Group, a Trainer on Creative Thinking and Be Future-Ready upskilling workshops while Coaching individuals who are ready to realise their full potential. Karen is also on several not-for-profit, communications industry and start-up advisory councils.

While her coaching approach is to help individuals reach their specific goal, she is particularly passionate about supporting communicators and marketers in realising stretch areas they have not noticed, individuals curious about a second or portfolio career or just needed to a listening ear to reflect on life.

Unlike counselling, coaching is focused on the present, so Karen’s aim as a Coach is to help you reflect and identify realistic, progressive, yet sustainable steps to achieving your goal. The only thing you need is to be accountable for your career or your life by taking the first step to start the conversation. All conversations are fully confidential.

Angee Linsey -Career Coach, USA

Like her book of the same title, Dare To Be Deliberate is Angee Linsey’s approach to career coaching that empowers professionals like you to manage your career with intention – and accelerate your rise to the next level or step in a new direction. Plus, as the leader of the marketing and communications recruitment firm, Linsey Careers, she knows what executives in these functions want when hiring and promoting.

Whether you are looking for growth in your current role, in job search, looking to scratch that entrepreneurial itch and go out on your own, she has a process that will take you step-by-step to help you create your career vision and then make it real. Angee works primarily with marketing and communications professionals in the United States.

For a free introductory call to see if Angee is the coach for you, please use this link to find a time on her calendar

Send your enquiry and we will contact you